On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21PHY12 Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answers.
Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answer
Constants :
- Speed of Light “c” = 3 ×108 ms-1
- Boltzmann Constant “k” = 1.38 ×10-23 JK-1
- Planck’s Constant “h” = 6.625 × 10-34 Js
- Acceleration due to gravity “g” = 9.8 ms-2
- Permittivity of free space “ε0”=8.854 ×10−12 F m−1.
1.A] Discuss the theory of forced oscillations and hence classify the conditions of variation of amplitude and phase with angular frequency.
1.B] Illustrate the generation of shock waves using the Reddy shock tube.
1.C] Given the damping constant of the medium 0.1 kg s-1 calculate the amplitude of the oscillations at resonance given the mass attached to the spring-mass oscillator 50 x 10-3 kg, the amplitude of the applied periodic force 1N and the period of oscillations 1 second.
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2.A] Applying Hooke’s law arrive at the equations for the effective spring constants of Series and Parallel combinations of springs.
2.B] Enumerate the properties and applications of shock waves.
2.C] Compare the Mach number of a Jet fighter traveling with 2000 km hr-1 with that of a bullet traveling with a velocity of 400 ms-1 in the same medium given the speed of sound in the medium 330 ms-1.
3.A] Discuss the spectral distribution energy in the black body radiation spectrum and hence explain Wien’s displacement law.
3.B] State and Explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle and infer on the classical and quantum mechanical measurements.
3.C] The kinetic energy of an electron is equal to the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 560 nm. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of the electron.
4.A] Discuss the motion of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional potential well of infinite height and of width ‘a’ and also examine the quantization of energy.
4.B] Deduce Rayleigh-Jeans law from Planck’s Law of radiation.
4.C] The speed of electron is measured to within an uncertainty of 2 × 104 ms−1 in one dimension. What is the minimum width required by the electron to be confined in an atom?
5.A] Obtain the expression for energy density using Einstein’s A and B Coefficients and hence draw infer on the relation B12=B21.
5.B] Discuss the attenuation and various losses in optical fibers.
5.C] Calculate the number of photons emitted per pulse of duration 1 microsecond given the power output of LASER 3 mW and the wavelength of laser 632.8 nm.
6.A] Define Modes of Propagation and RI Profile and Distinguish between the types of optical fibers.
6.B] Identify the requisites of the CO2 LASER and Explain its construction and working with the help of a neat sketch and band diagram.
6.C] Compare the acceptance angle of an optical fiber placed in air and water given the RI of water 1.33 and the RI of core and clad 1.5 and 1.45 respectively.
7.A] Explain the Quantum Mechanical modifications to the classical free electron theory of metals to explain the electrical conductivity in solids and its success.
7.B] What is Hall effect and illustrate on the determination of the type of charge carriers in semiconductors?
7.C] An elemental solid dielectric material has polarizability 7 × 10−40 Fm−2. Assuming the internal field to be Lorentz, calculate the dielectric constant for the material if the material has 3×1028 atoms/m3.
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8.A] Deduce the expression for electrical conductivity of a conductor using the quantum free electron theory of metals.
8.B] Describe in brief the various types of polarization mechanisms.
8.C] Calculate the probability that an energy level at 0.2eV below the Fermi level is occupied at temperature 500K.
9.A] Define nano-material and classify the nano-materials based on the dimensional constraints.
9.B] Describe the construction and working of Scanning Electron Microscope with the help of a neat diagram.
9.C] X-rays are diffracted in the first order from a crystal with d spacing 2.8 × 10−10 m at a glancing angle 60 °. Calculate the wavelength of X-rays.
10.A] Mention the principle and applications of X-ray photoelectron spectroscope.
10.B] Illustrate the working of Transmission Electron Microscope.
10.C] Determine the crystallite size given the Wavelength of X-Rays 10 nm, the Peak Width 0.5 °and peak position 25 ° for a cubic crystal given K = 0.94.
VTU 1st Year Engineering Physics [set-2] Solved Model Question paper

On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21PHY12 Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answers.
URL: https://vtuupdates.com/solved-model-papers/vtu-engineering-physics-set-2-solved-model-paper
Author: VTU Updates