21CS63 Solved Model Question Paper -2 with Answer 

21CS63 Computer Graphics and Image Processing Solved Model Question Paper -2 with Answer 

Module 1

1.A] Define Computer Graphics. Explain the applications of computer graphics.

1.B] Explain the architecture of a raster-graphics system with a display processor.

1.C] Explain the DDA line drawing algorithm with its procedure.


2.A] Define the following terms:
i) Resolution
ii) Aspect Ratio
iii) Pixel
iv) Bitmap
v) Frame Buffer

2.B] Explain the operations for displaying a picture using GLUT.

2.C] Explain Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm. Apply Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm to digitize the line segment with endpoints (20,10) and (30,18) having a slope of 0.8.

Module 2

3.A] Explain the basic 2D geometric transformations in detail with a snippet of code for each.

3.B] Write a note on inverse transformations. Derive matrices for each.

3.C] Show that:
i) Two successive rotations are additive
ii) Two successive scalings are multiplicative


4.A] Explain two-dimensional pivot point scaling with neat sequences of an object. Explain with matrix representations and equations.

4.B] What are homogeneous coordinates? Explain 3D transformations with the homogeneous coordinate approach and derive matrices for each.

4.C] Explain:
i) Reflection
ii) Shear

Module 3

5.A] Define computer animation. Explain the stages to design animation sequences.

5.B] Explain OpenGL interactive input device functions:
i) GLUT Keyboard Functions
ii) GLUT Mouse Functions

5.C] Discuss interactive picture construction techniques.


6.A] Explain the logical classification of input devices.

6.B] How are menus and submenus created in OpenGL? Illustrate with an example.

6.C] Write a complete OpenGL program to demonstrate animation effects on a simple object.

Module 4

7.A] Define image processing. List and explain types of images.

7.B] Given a grayscale image of size 5 inches by 6 inches scanned at the rate of 300 dpi, answer the following:
i) How many bits are required to represent the image?
ii) How much time is required to transmit the image if the modem is 28 kbps?
iii) Repeat the above calculations if it were a binary image.

7.C] Consider an image point [2, 2]. Perform the following operations and show the results:
a) Translate the image right by 3 units.
b) Scale the image in both x-axis and y-axis by 3 units.
c) Rotate the image in x-axis by 45°.


8.A] Discuss the practical applications of the classification of image processing operations:
i) Arithmetic operations
ii) Logical operations
iii) Geometric operations

8.B] Define Euclidean distances D4 and D8. Let V = {0, 1}. Compute the De, D4, and D8 distances between two pixels p and q, where the coordinates of p and q are (3,0) and (2,3) respectively for the given image.

8.C] Explain the fundamental steps in image processing.

Module 5

9.A] Explain in detail the stages of the edge detection process with a block diagram.

9.B] Explain the steps in automatic image analysis and interpretation.

9.C] Explain the Canny edge detection algorithm.


10.A] What is image segmentation? Classify the image segmentation algorithms.

10.B] Explain first-order edge detection operators:
i) Roberts Operator
ii) Prewitt Operator
iii) Sobel Operator

10.C] Explain edge detection with an example. List the types of edges.

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