Define Resolution, Aspect Ratio, Pixel, Bitmap, Frame Buffer

2.A] Define the following terms:
i) Resolution
ii) Aspect Ratio
iii) Pixel
iv) Bitmap
v) Frame Buffer


i) Resolution:

  • Resolution refers to the number of distinct pixels that can be displayed on a screen, usually expressed in terms of width and height (e.g., 1920×1080). It determines the clarity and detail of the images or videos displayed.

ii) Aspect Ratio:

  • Aspect Ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and height of a display or image. It’s expressed as a ratio, such as 16:9, indicating the width is 16 units for every 9 units of height.

iii) Pixel:

  • A Pixel (short for “picture element”) is the smallest unit of a digital image or display. Pixels are tiny dots that together form the images you see on a screen. The more pixels there are, the higher the image resolution.

iv) Bitmap:

  • A Bitmap is a type of digital image composed of a matrix of individual pixels. Each pixel in a bitmap image has a specific color, and the image is stored as a collection of these pixels.

v) Frame Buffer:

  • A Frame Buffer is a portion of memory in a computer or display system that holds the data for the pixels to be displayed on the screen. It is used to store the image to be shown on the display at any given moment.

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