On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21CIV14/24 Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics Solved Model Question paper with answers.
VTU 1st Year Elements of Civil Engineering [SET-1] Solved Model Question paper
1.A] Explain briefly the scope of civil engineering in
i) Irrigation engineering
ii) Structural engineering
1.B] Explain briefly application of any two smart materials in Civil engineering
1.C] What are the requirements of good cement?
2.A] Explain briefly the scope of civil engineering in
i) Transportation engineering
ii) Water resource engineering
2.B] Explain briefly i) RCC ii) PSC
2.C] What are the advantages of stone construction over brick construction?
3.A] Explain Couple and its characteristics.
3.B] The sum of two concurrent forces P and Q is 500N and their resultant is 400N. If the resultant is perpendicular to P, find P, Q and angle between P and Q.
3.C] Determine the resultant of the force system acting on the plate as shown in figure, with respect to AB and AD.

4.A] State and Prove Varignon’s principle of moments.
4.B] A ladder weighing 300N is to be kept in position as shown in figure. Determine the horizontal force P to be applied to keep ladder in position, assume all contact surfaces as smooth.

4.C] Determine the smallest force P required to just move the bottom block if i) top block is restrained by cable AB ii) Cable AB is removed, refer figure. Take µs = 0.30 and µk = 0.25.

5.A] Derive an expression for moment of inertia of a triangle from first principle about its vertical centroidal axis.
5.B] Locate the centroid of the shaded area as shown in figure

6.A] State and prove perpendicular axes theorem
6.B] Find the centroid of the area enclosed by a semi circle of radius ‘r’ from first principle.
6.C] Determine the moment of inertia about X-X axis for the shaded area as shown in figure.

7.A] Explain different types of loads with neat sketches.
7.B] Analyse the truss as shown in figure, by methods of joints.

8.A] Write a note on the classification of trusses.
8.B] Find the support reactions for the beam as shown in figure.

8.C] A roof truss is loaded as shown in fig Q 8 (c), determine the forces in members BC, GF and CG.

9.A] Define i) Time of flight ii) Horizontal range iii) Maximum Height iv) Trajectory
9.B] A projectile is fired with a velocity of 60 m/s on horizontal plane. Find its time of flight in the following cases i) Its range is four times the maximum height ii) Its maximum height is four times the horizontal range iii) Its maximum height and horizontal range are equal.
9.C] A stone is released from top of a tower ‘ h ‘ meter in height, it covers a vertical distance of ‘ h/5’ meter during its last second of descend. Find the height of the tower.
10.A] State and explain D’ Alembert’s principle.
10.B] The motion of a particle is defined by x = (t+1)2 and y = 4(t+1)-2 where x and y are in meters and t in seconds. Show that path of particle is part of rectangular hyperbola. Find velocity and acceleration at t = 0.
10.C] Two cars moving in the direction are 150m apart. Car A being ahead of car B, at this instant velocity of car A is 3 m/s and constant acceleration of 1.2 m/s2. While the velocity of car B is 30 m/s and its uniform retardation is 0.6 m/s2. How many times do the cars cross each other? Find when and where they cross with respect to given position of car A.
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VTU 1st Year Elements of Civil Engineering [SET-1] Solved Model Question paper

On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21CIV14/24 Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics Solved Model Question paper with answers.
URL: https://vtuupdates.com/solved-model-papers/elements-of-civil-engineering-set-1-solved-model-paper/
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