21CV753 – Environmental Protection and Management PYQ’s with Answers

21CV753 Environmental Protection and Management (EPM) Previous Year Repeated Questions with Answers

These are just most repeated questions over years and not official model question paper of VTU, you can comment any imp question if you have any


1) Unique Characteristics of Environmental Problems

2) Environmental Management Principles

3) National Policies on Environment and abatement of pollution.

4) Enumerate the various drivers and barriers for sustainable development (any five in each).


1) environmental quality objectives

2) Briefly explain i) Zero discharge technologies, ii) Benchmarking, iii) Closing the Loop

3) Explain Environmental Performance Evaluation Process using PDCA Cycle

4) Discuss in detail performance indicators

5) Cleaner Production and Clean Technology


1) Distinguish between EMS and EMAS, explain the components of EMS.

2) What is ISO 14001? State the requirements and recommended approach for implementation in an organization, benefits and barriers in implementing ISO 14001

3) Write Explanatory notes on : i) Initial Environmental Review (IER) ii) Management Review (MR)

4) Write a note on identifying environmental aspects and impacts within an organizational set-up


1) Environmental Audit and general steps in an Environmental Auditing.

2) Write short note on : i) Due Diligence Audit ii) Roles and Qualifications of Auditors

3) Explain the Environmental performance indicators and their evolution

4) waste audits and waste minimization planning

5) Environmental Statement Form V Filling Process


1) waste audit and pollution prevention opportunities in industry

2) Explain the concept of transboundary of pollutants of hazardous waste

3) classification, characteristics, treatment, and disposal methods for hazardous waste

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