In this post, you will find Python Programming laboratory all programs – 21CSL46
Python Programming laboratory programs – 21CSL46
Program 1
2.B] Develop a python program to convert binary to decimal, octal to hexadecimal using functions.
Program 3
3.B] Write a Python program to find the string similarity between two given strings
Program 4
4.A] Write a python program to implement insertion sort and merge sort using lists.
4.B] Write a program to convert roman numbers into integer values using dictionaries.
Program 5
Program 6
6.A] Write a python program to accept a file name from the user and perform the following
- Display the first N line of the file
- Find the frequency of occurrence of the word accepted from the user in the file
Program 7
Program 8
Program 9
9.A] Write a python program to download the all XKCD comics.
Program 10
10.A] Write a python program to combine select pages from many PDFs.
10.B] Write a python program to fetch current weather data from the JSON file