Display “Hello World” message using Internal UART Embedded C
#include<lpc214x.h> void uart_init(void); unsigned int delay; unsigned char *ptr; unsigned char arr[]="HELLO WORLD\r"; int main() { while(1) { uart_init(); ptr = arr; while(*ptr!='\0') { U0THR=*ptr++; while(!(U0LSR & 0x20)== 0x20); for(delay=0;delay<=600;delay++); } for(delay=0;delay<=60000;delay++); } } void uart_init(void) { PINSEL0=0X0000005; //select TXD0 and RXD0 lines U0LCR = 0X00000083; //enable baud rate divisor loading and U0DLM = 0X00; //select the data format U0DLL = 0x13; //select baud rate 9600 bps U0LCR = 0X00000003; }