Using Newton’s forward interpolation find y at x = 5 from the data
7.B] Using Newton’s forward interpolation find y at x = 5 from the data:- x 4 6 8 10 y 1 3 8 16
7.B] Using Newton’s forward interpolation find y at x = 5 from the data:- x 4 6 8 10 y 1 3 8 16
6.B] Solve = sin 𝑥 sin 𝑦 for which = −2 sin 𝑦 when x= 0 and z = 0 when y is odd multiple of .
1.B] Find the volume bounded by the cylinder 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 = 4 and the planes 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 4 and 𝑧 = 0, by using double integration
VTU 1st Year 21MAT21 Advanced Calculus and Numerical Methods Solved Model Question Paper with answers available on this website. VTU 1st Year Advanced Calculus and Numerical Methods Solved Model Question…
2.B] Explain briefly i) RCC ii) PCC Answer:- Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC): RCC full form is reinforced cement concrete, which is a composite material made from concrete and steel reinforcement. As we knew that the concrete is weak in tension and strong in…
1.C] What are the requirements of good cement? Answer:- The color of the cement is grey with greenish shade. It should feel smooth when touched or rubbed in between fingers.…
Explain briefly the scope of civil engineering in1.A] i) Irrigation engineering ii) Structural engineering 2A] i) Transportation engineering ii) Water resource engineering 1.A] Answer:- i) Irrigation engineering Estimation of quality…
On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21PHY12 Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answers. Engineering Physics Solved…
4.B] Deduce Rayleigh-Jeans law from Planck’s Law of radiation. Answer:- Reduction of Planck’s law Planck’s law could be reduced to Wien’s distribution law and Rayleigh-Jeans law in the shorter and…
4.A] Discuss the motion of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional potential well of the infinite height and of width ‘a’ and also examine the quantization of energy. Answer:-