Singly linked list of n student data like id, name, branch using queues and 3rd Sem Data structure and Application lab 5b program
Create a SLL queue of N Students Data.
/* Create a SLL queue of N Students Data */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<string.h> void display(); void queue(); void insertrear(); void create(); struct student{ int idno; char name[20],branch[20]; struct student *next; }; struct student *first=NULL,*last=NULL,*temp; int main(){ queue(); } void queue(){ int ch,n,i; while(1){ printf("1.create\n 2.display\n 3.exit\n"); printf("Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch){ case 1:printf("\n Enter the number of student\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) insertrear(); break; case 2:display(); break; case 3:exit(0); break; default:printf("Invalid choice\n"); } } } void create(){ int data; char name[20],branch[20]; temp=(struct student *)malloc(sizeof(struct student)); temp->next=NULL; printf("\n Enter the ID no,Name,Branch\n "); scanf("%d%s%s",&data,name,branch); temp->idno=data; strcpy(temp->name,name); strcpy(temp->branch,branch); } void insertrear(){ if(first==NULL){ create(); temp->next=NULL; first=temp; }else{ create(); last=first; while(last->next!=NULL){ last=last->next; }last->next=temp; } } void display(){ struct student *p; if(first==NULL){ printf("\n List is Empty"); return; } p=first; printf("\n Contents of list\n "); while(p!=NULL){ printf("\n ID no=%d\n Name=%s\n Branch=%s\n",p->idno,p->name,p->branch); p=p->next; } }