Explain the supervisory role in accident investigation

Explain the supervisory role in accident investigation


Supervisory Role in Accident Investigation:

The supervisor in the area where the accident/incident occurred is responsible for investigating the incident and completing the investigation report within 24 hours. The completed Accident/Incident Investigation Report should be faxed. If personal injury is involved, the supervisor ensures that the injured employee(s) receive immediate and appropriate first aid or healthcare. Injuries resulting in critical injury must be reported to Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) immediately. During non-business hours, the supervisor should contact Campus Community Police Services.

In conducting the accident/incident investigation and completing the Accident/Incident Investigation Report, the supervisor must ensure the following:

1] Assessment of the Scene:

  • Inspect the site, equipment, and materials involved in the accident/incident.
  • Secure the site, especially in the case of critical injury.
  • Use photographs, sketches, or drawings of the accident/incident scene, indicating sizes, distances, and weights of objects as appropriate.

2] Interviewing:

  • Interview the employee(s) involved.
  • Interview any eyewitnesses.
  • Interview outside experts if applicable, such as suppliers or equipment designers.
  • Document the interviews.
  • Conduct the interviews as soon as possible, one-on-one, in a quiet place.

3] Identifying Contributing Factors:

  • Consider factors such as people, equipment, materials, environment, and process.

4] Writing the Report:

  • Record all findings from the accident/incident investigation on the standard investigation reporting form, ensuring all requirements of the written investigation procedure are met.
  • Distribute copies of the completed Accident/Incident Investigation form as per the distribution list on the form.

5] Making Recommendations for Corrective Action:

  • Assign responsibilities (investigators, management, technical personnel) for completing the Action Plan.
  • Record these on the Accident/Incident Investigation Report form under the Action Plan.
  • Focus recommendations on the corrective actions for all contributing factors identified.
  • Specify what, why, and how the corrective actions will be completed.

6] Ensuring Recommendations Are Acted Upon:

  • Assign responsibility for the follow-up of the corrective actions.
  • Record the actions taken, who completed them, and when they were completed on the Action Plan section of the Accident/Incident Investigation Report form.

7] Communication of Recommendations:

  • Ensure that the recommendations are communicated to employees.

Please note that if a department fails to report the accident/incident within the required time, any fines levied will be charged to that department.

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