Describe Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and list its types

Describe Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and list its types


•Intellectual Property (IP) is a special category of property created by human intellect (mind) in the fields of arts, literature, science, trade, etc. Since IP is a novel creation of the mind, it is intangible (i.e. invisible and indivisible) in nature and differs from the tangible property, such as land, house, gold and car with which we are quite familiar.

•Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are the privileges accorded to the creator/inventor (of IP) in conformance with the laws. These rights are given to the creator/inventor in exchange for revealing the process of creation/invention in the public domain.

•Broadly, IP comprises of two branches i.e. Copyrights and Related Rights‘ and Industrial Property Rights‘. Copyrights and Related Rights‘ refer to the creative expressions in the fields of literature and art, such as books, publications, architecture, music, wood/stone carvings, pictures, portrays, sculptures, films and computer-based softwares/databases.

•The Industrial Property Rights‘ refer to the Patents, Trademarks, Trade Services, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications.

Types of IPR:-

  • Patents
  • Copyrights and Related Rights
  • Trademarks
  • Geographical Indications
  • Trade Secrets
  • Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Layout Designs
  • Plant Varieties
  • Traditional Knowledge
  • Industrial Designs
  • Biodiversity Conservation

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