Briefly explain cloud computing architecture with a neat diagram.

5 A] Briefly explain cloud computing architecture with a neat diagram.
  1. Layered View of Cloud Computing: Cloud computing can be organized into a layered structure from hardware to software systems, encompassing the entire stack (Figure 4.1). This includes hardware appliances, databases, and software systems.
  2. Cloud Resources and Datacenters: Cloud resources, often managed in datacenters, provide the necessary computing power. These datacenters may consist of various nodes, making cloud infrastructure heterogeneous.
  3. Core Middleware: The physical infrastructure is managed by core middleware, which ensures an appropriate runtime environment and optimal resource utilization.
  4. Virtualization Technologies: At the base layer, virtualization technologies provide customization, isolation, and quality of service. Hypervisors manage these virtualized resources.
  5. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): IaaS solutions manage both the infrastructure and a management layer. These can be further divided into those providing both layers and those offering only the management layer (IaaS (M)).
  6. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): PaaS offers development platforms for applications and includes both infrastructure and user-level middleware.
  7. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): SaaS represents services delivered at the application level, often as web-based applications, leveraging cloud resources for scalability and availability.
  8. Adaptive and Autonomic Behavior: Cloud services should adaptively scale and autonomously manage availability and performance, as highlighted in the reference model.
  9. Everything as a Service (XaaS): XaaS represents the integration of various cloud services across the computing stack, facilitating scalable and flexible solutions for businesses, particularly startups.

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