Illustrate Scenario Based Modeling with Safe Home Surveillance example.

3.B] Illustrate Scenario Based Modeling with Safe Home Surveillance example.


Scenario-based modeling involves creating and analyzing scenarios to understand and document how users interact with a system. Here’s how it applies to the SafeHome surveillance system:

SafeHome Surveillance Example

1. Use Case Development:

  • Use Case: Access Camera Surveillance via the Internet – Display Camera Views (ACS-DCV)
  • Actor: Homeowner
  • Goal in Context: To view camera output from any remote location via the Internet.


  1. Log in: Homeowner accesses the SafeHome Products website.
  2. Authenticate: Enters user ID and passwords.
  3. Access Functionality: Selects “surveillance” from the major function buttons.
  4. Pick Camera: Chooses “pick a camera,” displaying the house floor plan.
  5. View Camera: Selects a camera from the floor plan and clicks “view” to see video output in a window.

2. Refining the Use Case:

  • Primary Scenario: Details the basic steps for the homeowner to view a camera feed.
  • Secondary Scenarios:
    • Thumbnail View: Homeowner can opt to view thumbnail snapshots from all cameras.
    • Error Handling: If no floor plan is configured, an error message is shown.
    • Alarm Condition: If an alarm condition occurs, a separate use case manages the alarm.

3. Formal Use Case Template:

  • Use Case: Access Camera Surveillance via the Internet – Display Camera Views (ACS-DCV)
  • Preconditions: System must be configured; valid user ID and passwords required.
  • Trigger: Homeowner wants to check the house remotely.
  • Scenario: Steps from logging in to viewing a specific camera feed.
  • Exceptions: Incorrect credentials, system not configured, missing floor plan, etc.
  • Priority: Moderate, to be implemented after basic functions.
  • Frequency of Use: Moderate.

4. Use Case Diagram:

  • Actors: Homeowner, Cameras
  • Use Cases: Access camera surveillance, Configure SafeHome system parameters, Set alarm.
  • Diagram:
    • Actors are represented outside the system boundary.
    • Use Cases are ovals inside the system boundary.

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