21CS743 – Deep Learning Model Question Paper-1 with answers

21CS743 – Deep Learning Model Question Paper-1 with answers


1.A] Explain the historical trends in deep learning. – 10 Marks

1.B] Define machine learning. Explain different types of ML algorithms. – 10 Marks


2.A] Explain in detail about the supervised learning approach by taking a suitable example. – 10 Marks

2.B] Write a note on support vector machines and PCA. – 10 Marks


3.A] Explain the working of deep forward networks. – 10 Marks

3.B] What is regularization? How does regularization help in reducing overfitting? – 10 Marks


4.A] Explain briefly about the gradient descent algorithm. – 10 Marks

4.B] Discuss the working of backpropagation. – 10 Marks


5.A] Explain empirical risk minimization. – 10 Marks

5.B] Explain the challenges that occur in neural network optimization in detail. – 10 Marks


6.A] Explain AdaGrad and write an algorithm for AdaGrad. – 10 Marks

6.B] Explain the Adam algorithm in detail. – 10 Marks


7.A] Explain the components of a CNN layer. – 10 Marks

7.B] Explain pooling with network representation. – 10 Marks


8.A] Explain the variants of the CNN model. – 10 Marks

8.B] Explain structured output with neural networks. – 10 Marks


9.A] Explain how the recurrent neural network (RNN) processes data sequences. – 10 Marks

9.B] Discuss bidirectional RNNs. – 10 Marks


10.A] Explain the LSTM working principle along with equations. – 10 Marks

10.B] Write a note on speech recognition and NLP. – 10 Marks


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