21CS642 Solved Model Question Paper-2

21CS642 Advance Java Programming Solved Model Question Paper-2 with Answer

Module 1

1.A] What is Autoboxing? Write a Java program that demonstrates how autoboxing and unboxing take place in expression evaluation

1.B] What are Annotations? Explain the following built-in annotations with an example program:
i) @Override
ii) @Inherited
iii) @Retention


2.A] Define Enum. Write a Java program to display enumeration constants using the values() and valueOf() methods

2.B] Explain how to obtain annotations at runtime by using Reflection.

2.C] Write a note on:
i) ordinal()
ii) compareTo()

Module 2

3.A] Write a program that contains a generics class with two type parameters.

3.B] Explain how generics improve type safety.


4.A] Write a program on Generic Constructor.

4.B] Write a note on:
i) Bounded Types
ii) Ambiguity Errors

Module 3

5.A] Explain various String operations with examples.

5.B] Write a note on:
i) String comparison
ii) String searching


6.A] What are different character extraction methods? Explain with an example.

6.B] Explain all String Buffer methods with examples.

Module 4

7.A] Explain the javax.servlet package in detail.

7.B] Explain how to read a servlet parameter with an example.

7.C] Explain the Servlet life cycle.


8.A] Explain how to handle HTTP requests and responses with an example.

8.B] Write a note on:
i) Session Tracking
ii) Cookies

Module 5

9.A] Explain the Prepared Statement object with an example.

9.B] Explain how to read a ResultSet with an example

9.C] Enlist types of JDBC drivers. Explain any one.


10.A] What are the different steps to connect to a database?

10.B] Write a note on:
i) Transaction processing
ii) Savepoint

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