21CS63 Solved Model Question Paper -1 with Answer 

21CS63 Computer Graphics and Image Processing Solved Model Question Paper -1 with Answer 

Module 1

1.A] Define Computer Graphics. Explain the applications of Computer Graphics.

1.B] Explain the operation of Cathode-Ray Tubes (CRT) and Shadow-Mask CRTs with neat diagrams.

1.C] Compare and contrast Raster-scan and Random-scan displays with suitable figures.


2.A] Describe the basic structure of an OpenGL graphics program, including necessary OpenGL functions.

2.B] Explain Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm with an example.

2.C] Using Bresenham’s scan line algorithm, digitize the line segment from (20, 10) to (30, 18).

Module 2

3.A] What is the need for a Homogeneous Coordinate System? Explain Translation, Rotation, and Scaling in a 2D Homogeneous Coordinate System with matrix representations.

3.B] Explain different OpenGL routines used for manipulating the display window.

3.C] Explain OpenGL raster transformations and OpenGL geometric transformation functions.


4.A] Explain any two of the 3D geometric transformations.

4.B] Explain shear and reflection transformation techniques.

4.C] What is concatenation of transformations? Explain the following considering 2D:
i) Rotation about a fixed point
ii) Scaling about a fixed point.

Module 3

5.A] Explain in detail the logical classification of input devices.

5.B] Describe in detail the interactive picture construction techniques.

5.C] Explain different OpenGL interactive Input-Device functions.


6.A] Explain OpenGL menu functions in detail.

6.B] Write a note on OpenGL Animation Procedures.

6.C] Explain character animation in detail.

Module 4

7.A] Define Image Processing. With a neat diagram, explain the image processing environment.

7.B] List and explain various image processing applications.

7.C] With a neat diagram, provide the classification of images. Explain in detail the classification of images based on nature, attributes, and color.


8.A] Define Image Topology. Briefly explain the topological properties:
i) Connectivity
ii) Relations
iii) Distance Measures.

8.B] Briefly explain arithmetic operations on images.

8.C] Explain various geometric operations on images.

Module 5

9.A] Explain the classification of image segmentation algorithms.

9.B] Explain the basic types of discontinuities in a digital image.

9.C] Briefly explain the various stages in edge detection.


10.A] Explain the following first edge detection operators:
i) Roberts operator
ii) Prewitt operator
iii) Sobel operator

10.B] What are template matching masks? Explain any 3 template matching masks.

10.C] Explain the Canny edge detection algorithm in detail.


  1. Bro please updated the remaining answers on Computer graphic 21cs63 CSE
    Please add Answers to all model question paper sloved

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