With suitable example define the following (i) Binary tree (ii) Full binary tree (iii) Almost complete B.T (iv) Strict Binary tree (v) Level of B.T

With suitable example define the following (i) Binary tree (ii) Full binary tree (iii) Almost complete B.T (iv) Strict Binary tree (v) Level of B.T

i) Binary Tree

Binary Tree is a tree data structure in which each node can have at most two child node.

(ii) Full binary tree

Should have two child node in every node.

A full binary tree of depth k is a binary tree of depth k having 2k-1 nodes, k ≥ 0.

(ii) Almost complete B.T

Child node should fill from left to right.

In a complete binary tree, all the levels of a tree are filled entirely except the last level. In the last level, nodes might or might not be filled fully.

(iv) Strict Binary tree

Strictly Binary Tree is a tree where every non leaf node in a binary tree has non empty left and right subtrees.

A strictly binary tree with n leaves always contain 2n-1 nodes.

.The root is considered be at level one[1]. If a node is at level l, then its children are at level l + 1.

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