Operating System Fundamentals NPTEL Assignment Answers of Week 6 (2023)

In this article, you will get NPTEL Assignment Answers of Week 6 (2023) of the course Operating System Fundamentals

Week 6 Due date: 2023-08-30, 23:59 IST.


Note : Answers are marked with red color.

1. For the following set of processes scheduled using the SJF (Shortest-Job-First) process scheduling policy, determine the average turnaround time.

(A) 5.5
(B) 6.5
(C) 7.5
(D) 8.5
(E) 9.5

2. For the following set of processes scheduled using the SRTF (Shortest-remaining-time-first) process scheduling policy, determine the average waiting time.

(A) 3.50
(B) 4.00
(C) 4.25
(D) 4.50
(E) 4.75

3. For the following set of processes scheduled using Round Robin process scheduling policy with a time quantum of 2 ms, determine the average waiting time.

(A) 4.50
(B) 6.50
(C) 7.50
(D) 8.50
(E) 9.50

4. Which statement is false for the Priority Scheduling algorithm?
(A)It may be preemptive or non-preemptive
(B) It suffers from the starvation problem
(C) It does not suffer from the starvation problem
(D) Equal-priority processes are scheduled in FCFS order
(E) CPU is allocated to the process with the highest priority

5. Which statement is true?
(A) FCFS scheduling algorithm is nonpreemptive
(B) FCFS scheduling algorithm suffers from the Convoy Effect
(C) SJF algorithm suffers from the starvation problem
(D) SJF algorithm can be either preemptive or non-preemptive
(E) All of the above

6. Which statement is false for Round Robin process scheduling?
(A)It is suitable for a time-sharing system
(B) It is a preemptive scheduling algorithm
(C) Its turnaround time depends on the time quantum
(D)In this algorithm. the priority of all the processes are same
(E) None of the above

7. The starvation problem of priority-based scheduling can be resolved using
(A) Aging
(B) Termination
(C) Exclusion
(D) Convoy Effect
(E) None of the above

8. Which of the following is a property of the Multilevel Queue Scheduling policy?
(A) Multiple queues
(B) Priorities assigned
(C) Preemption
(D) Fairness
(E) All of the above

9. For the producer-consumer problem with unbounded buffer, the process that need not wait for the other process is/are

(A) Producer

(B) Consumer

(C) Neither producer nor the consumer

(D)Both produce and consumer

(E) None of the other options

10. Which of the following statement is true for Critical Section Problem?

(A)If£ a process is executing in its critical section. no other processes are allowed to enter into the critical section.

(B) Multiple processes share the same data.

(C) A bound must exist on the number of times other processes are allowed to enter the
critical section.

(D) Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency

(E) All of the above

11. Multiple processes access and manipulate the shared data concurrently, and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which access takes place is known as

(A) Data consistency

(B) Race condition

(C) Starvation

(D) Aging

(E) Convoy effect

12. The property “only one process at a time is allowed into its critical section among all processes that have critical sections for the same resource” is known as

(A) Mutual Exclusion

(B) Synchronization

(C) Deadlock

(D) Progress

(E) Starvation

13. Consider the producer-consumer problem with bounded buffer. The processes share a variable “counter”. The initial value of counter is 10 and the maximum size of the buffere is 30.

The statement counter = counter + 1 is implemented as
SPO: register] = counter
SP1: registerl = register] + 1
SP2: counter = register]
The statement counter = counter – 1 is implemented as
SCO: register2 = counter
SC1: register2 = register2 – 1
SC2: counter = register2
Assume that the CPU schedules the producer-consumer problem as follows: SPO, SP1. SCO.
SC1, SP2, and SC2. What is the final value of the counter?




(E) None of the above

14. Solution to the critical section problem can be done on
(A) Hardware level
(B) Software level
(C) Both hardware level and software level
(D) Network level
(E) None of the mentioned

15. The solution to the critical section problem ensures which of the following(s)?
(A)Mutual exclusion
(B) Progress
(C) Bounded waiting
(D) Mutual exclusion and Progress
(E) Mutual exclusion, Progress, and Bounded waiting

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