21CS62 Fullstack Development Django Lab Manual

VTU 21 Scheme 6th semester 21CS62 Fullstack Development Django Lab Manual

Program No.Program Title
1Develop a Django app that displays current date and time in server
2Develop a Django app that displays date and time four hours ahead and four hours before as an offset of current date and time in server
3Develop a Django app that displays an unordered list of fruits and ordered list of selected students for an event
4Create a layout.html with a suitable header and footer. Inherit this layout.html and create 3 additional pages: contact us, About Us, and Home page
5Develop a Django app for student registration to a course and display a list of students registered for any selected course
6For student and course models created in Module 2, register admin interfaces, perform migrations, and illustrate data entry through admin forms
7Develop a Model form for a student that contains the topic chosen for the project, languages used, and duration with a model called project
8Create a generic class view to display a list of students and a detail view that displays student details for any selected student
9Develop a Django app that performs CSV generation for any models created in previous laboratory components
10Develop a Django app that performs PDF generation for any models created in previous laboratory components
11Develop a registration page for student enrollment without page refresh using AJAX
12Develop a search application in Django using AJAX that displays courses enrolled by a student being searched

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