2 A] What is IoT? Write the characteristics of an IoT system
The original Internet intended for sending simple messages is now connected with all sorts of “Things”. These things can be legacy devices, modern-day computers, sensors, actuators, household appliances, toys, clothes, shoes, vehicles, cameras, and anything which may benefit a product by increasing its scientific value, accuracy, or even its cosmetic value. IoT is an anytime, anywhere, and anything (as shown in Figure 2) network of Internet- connected physical devices or systems capable of sensing an environment and affecting the sensed environment intelligently. This is generally achieved using low-power and low form factor embedded processors on-board the “things” connected to the Internet. In other words, IoT may be made up of connecting devices, machines, and tools; these things are made up of sensors/actuators and processors, which connect to the Internet through wireless technologies. Typically,
IoT systems can be characterized by the following features:
• Associated architectures, which are also efficient and scalable.
• No ambiguity in naming and addressing.
• Massive number of constrained devices, sleeping nodes, mobile devices, and non-IP devices.
• Intermittent and often unstable connectivity.