What are the nature of Software system and explain its characteristics.

3.A] What are the nature of Software system and explain its characteristics


Software systems are distinct from traditional engineering products like hardware due to their intangible, complex, and evolving nature. Unlike physical products, software is not manufactured in a classical sense; it is developed and engineered through a series of human activities that focus on design, coding, and maintenance.

Characteristics of Software:-

  1. Software is Developed or Engineered, Not Manufactured:
    • No Manufacturing Process: Unlike hardware, which requires a manufacturing process that can introduce defects, software is created through engineering practices. This means that software quality relies heavily on the design and coding phases.
    • Human-Intensive Process: The development of software is highly dependent on human effort and expertise. The relationship between the number of people working on a software project and the amount of work accomplished is non-linear and complex.
  2. Software Doesn’t “Wear Out”:
    • No Physical Deterioration: Software does not degrade physically over time like hardware components. It does not suffer from environmental factors such as dust, vibration, or temperature extremes that typically cause hardware to fail.
    • Deterioration Through Change: Although software doesn’t wear out, it can deteriorate over time due to changes. When updates or modifications are made, new errors can be introduced, leading to a gradual increase in failure rates. This phenomenon is often visualized as spikes in failure rates over time as changes are implemented.
  3. Software is Custom-Built, But Component Reuse is Increasing:
    • Custom-Built Nature: Traditionally, software has been developed from scratch for specific purposes, making each software system unique. Unlike hardware, which relies on standardized components, software was long developed without significant reuse of existing components.
    • Component-Based Development: The industry is gradually moving towards component-based construction, where reusable software components are employed. This approach allows software engineers to build new applications by integrating pre-built, tested components, focusing more on innovative parts of the software.
  4. Intangible Product:
    • Abstract Nature: Software is intangible, meaning it doesn’t have a physical presence. It consists of code and data that are executed on hardware to perform specific tasks. This abstract nature of software makes it challenging to visualize, measure, and manage compared to physical products.
  5. Complexity and Sophistication:
    • Complex Systems: Modern software systems are highly complex and sophisticated, often integrating various functions, features, and technologies. This complexity can lead to challenges in development, testing, and maintenance.
    • Sophisticated Functions: Software can perform highly sophisticated functions, from managing personal data to controlling entire networks and systems. This sophistication is both a strength and a challenge, as it requires careful design and ongoing maintenance.
  6. Software as an Information Transformer:
    • Transformative Role: Software serves as an information transformer, acquiring, processing, managing, and transmitting data. It plays a critical role in converting raw data into meaningful information, whether it’s for personal use, business operations, or global communication networks.
    • Versatility: Software can reside in various environments, from mobile phones to large mainframe computers, and can perform a wide range of tasks, from simple computations to complex multimedia presentations.
  7. Software Maintenance:
    • Ongoing Maintenance: Unlike hardware, which may only need occasional repairs or replacement, software requires continuous maintenance. This includes fixing bugs, making updates, and adapting the software to changing requirements.
    • Complexity of Changes: Software maintenance is more complex than hardware maintenance because every change has the potential to introduce new errors, requiring careful testing and validation.


Software systems are fundamentally different from hardware in that they are developed through engineering rather than manufacturing, do not wear out but can deteriorate through changes, and are increasingly benefiting from component reuse. Their intangible, complex, and evolving nature poses unique challenges in development, maintenance, and quality assurance.

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