On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21PHY12 Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answers.
Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answer
Constants :
- Speed of Light “c” = 3 ×108 ms-1
- Boltzmann Constant “k” = 1.38 ×10-23 JK-1
- Planck’s Constant “h” = 6.625 × 10-34 Js
- Acceleration due to gravity “g” = 9.8 ms-2
- Permittivity of free space “ε0”=8.854 ×10−12 F m−1.
1.A] Define SHM and mention any two examples. Derive the differential equation using Hooke’s law.
1.B] With a neat diagram, explain the construction and working of Reddy’s shock tube. Mention any three applications of shock waves.
1.C] A free particle is executing S.H.M in straight line with a period of 5 seconds after it has crossed the equilibrium point, the velocity is found to be 0.7m/s. Find the displacement at the end of10 seconds, and also the amplitude of oscillation.
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2.A] What are damped oscillations? Discuss the theory of damped oscillations. Represent overdamping, critical damping, and under-damping by the graph.
2.B] Define Mach number. Distinguish between Ultrasonic, subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic waves.
2.C] The distance between two pressure sensors in a shock tube is 200 mm. The time taken by a shock wave to travel this distance is 0.4ms. If the velocity of sound under the same condition is 340 m/s. Find the Mach number of the shock wave.
3.A] State Wein’s law and Rayleigh-Jeans law and mention their draw backs.
3.B] Assuming the time independent Schrodinger’s wave equation discuss the solution for a particle in one dimensional potential well of infinite height and hence obtain the normalized wave equation.
3.C] A particle having a mass of 0.5MeV/c2 has a kinetic energy of 100 eV. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength, where c is the velocity of light.
4.A] Starting from Planck’s quantum theory of radiation arrive at Wein’s law and RayleighJean’s law.
4.B] State Heisenberg uncertainty Principle. Show that an electron does not exist inside the nucleus by this Principle.
4.C] A quantum particle confined to a one-dimensional box of width ‘a’ is in its first excited state. What is the probability of finding the particle over an interval of ‘a/2’ marked symmetrically at the center of the box?
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5.A] Define the terms population inversion and Meta stable state. Explain the construction and working of the semiconductor laser.
5.B] With a neat diagram explain the working of the Intensity-based displacement sensor using optical fiber.
5.C] Estimate the attenuation in an optical fiber of length 500m when a light signal of power 100mW emerges out of fiber with a power 90Mw.
6.A] Derive the expression for the numerical aperture of an optical fiber. Mention any two merits and demerits of optical communication.
6.B] Explain how laser find application in eye surgery
6.C] The ratio of the population of two energy levels out of which the upper one corresponds to a metastable state is 1.059x 10-30. Find the wavelength of light emitted at 330 K.
7.A] Mention any four assumptions of the Drude-Lorentz model and discuss the success of Quantum free electron theory
7.B] Derive Clausius-Mossotti equation.
7.C] Show that occupation probability at an energy EF+∆E is equal to non-occupation probability at the energy EF-∆E.
8.A] What is the Hall effect? Obtain the expression for the Hall coefficient
8.B] Obtain an expression for electrical conductivity in metals on quantum model
8.C] Find the temperature at which there is 1% probability that a state with an energy 0.5 eV above the fermi energy is occupied.
9.A] With neat diagram, explain the principle, construction and working of Atomic Force Microscope.
9.B] Explain in brief how crystal size is determined by Scherrer’s equation.
9.C] Determine the wavelength of X-rays for crystal size of 1.188×10-6 m, peak width is 0.5o and peak position 30o, for a cubic crystal. Given Scherrer’s constant k=0.92.
10.A] Explain the construction and working of X-Ray diffractometer.
10.B] With neat diagram, explain the principle, construction and working of X-ray photoelectron spectroscope.
10.C] The first order Bragg reflection occurs when a monochromatic beam of X-rays of wavelength 0.675Ao is incident on a crystal at a glancing angle of 4o. What is the glancing angle for third order Bragg’s reflection to occur?
Vtu 1st year Solved Model Question Papers
VTU 1st year Engineering Physics solved Model Question Paper with Answer

On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21PHY12 Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answers.
URL: https://vtuupdates.com/solved-model-papers/vtu-engineering-physics-solved-model-paper
Author: VTU Updates