Plot the following i) density plot ii) box plot iii) violin plot iv) bubble plot

7 c] Plot the following i) density plot ii) box plot iii) violin plot iv) bubble plot

i] Density Plot

A density plot shows the distribution of a numerical variable. It is a variation of a histogram that uses kernel smoothing, allowing for smoother distributions. One advantage these have over histograms is that density plots are better at determining the distribution shape since the distribution shape for histograms heavily depends on the number of bins (data intervals).

To compare the distribution of several variables by plotting the density on the same axis
and using different colors

density plot
ii] Box Plot

The box plot shows multiple statistical measurements. The box extends from the lower to the upper quartile values of the data, thus allowing us to visualize the interquartile range (IQR). The horizontal line within the box denotes the median. The parallel extending lines from the boxes are called whiskers; they indicate the variability outside the lower and upper quartiles. There is also an option to show data outliers, usually as circles or diamonds, past the end of the whiskers.

Compare statistical measures for multiple variables or groups.

box plot
iii] Violin Plot

Violin plots are a combination of box plots and density plots. Both the statistical measures and the distribution are visualized. The thick black bar in the center represents the interquartile range, while the thin black line corresponds to the whiskers in a box plot. The white dot indicates the median. On both sides of the centerline, the density is visualized.

Compare statistical measures and density for multiple variables or groups

violin plot
iv] Bubble Plot

A bubble plot extends a scatter plot by introducing a third numerical variable. The value of the variable is represented by the size of the dots. The area of the dots is proportional to the value. A legend is used to link the size of the dot to an actual numerical value.
Bubble plots help to show a correlation between three variables.

bubble plot

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