Offload location and offload decision-making.

6.c) Write a short note on offload location and offload decision-making.


Offload location

The choice of offload location decides the applicability, cost, and sustainability of the IoT application and deployment. We distinguish the offload location into four types:

  • Edge:Offloading processing to the edge implies that the data processing is facilitated to a location at or near the source of data generation itself. Offloading to the edge is done to achieve aggregation, manipulation, bandwidth reduction, and other data operations directly on an IoT device.
  • Fog:Fog computing is a decentralized computing infrastructure that is utilized to conserve network bandwidth, reduce latencies, restrict the amount of data unnecessarily flowing through the Internet, and enable rapid mobility support for IoT devices. The data, computing, storage and applications are shifted to a place between the data source and the cloud resulting in significantly reduced latencies and network bandwidth usage.
  • Remote Server:A simple remote server with good processing power may be used with IoT based applications to offload the processing from resource constrained IoT devices. Rapid scalability may be an issue with remote servers, and they may be costlier and hard to maintain in comparison to solutions such as the cloud.
  • Cloud:Cloud computing is a configurable computer system, which can get access to configurable resources, platforms, and high-level services through a shared pool hosted remotely. A cloud is provisioned for processing offloading so that processing resources can be rapidly provisioned with minimal effort over the Internet, which can be accessed globally. Cloud enables massive scalability of solutions as they can enable resource enhancement allocated to a user or solution in an on-demand manner, without the user having to go through the pains of acquiring and configuring new and costly hardware.

Offload decision making

The choice of where to offload and how much to offload is one of the major deciding factors in the deployment of an offsite-processing topology-based IoT deployment architecture. The decision making is generally addressed considering data generation rate, network bandwidth, the criticality of applications, processing resource available at the offload site, and other factors. Some of these approaches are as follows.

  • Naive Approach:This approach is typically a hard approach, without too much decision making. It can be considered as a rule-based approach in which the data from IoT devices are offloaded to the nearest location based on the achievement of certain offload criteria. Although easy to implement, this approach is never recommended, especially for dense deployments, or deployments where the data generation rate is high, or the data being offloaded in complex to handle (multimedia or hybrid data types). Generally, statistical measures are consulted for generating the rules for offload decision making.
  • Bargaining based approach:This approach, although a bit processing-intensive during the decision-making stages, enables the alleviation of network traffic congestion, enhances service QoS (quality of service) parameters such as bandwidth, latencies, and others. At times, while trying to maximize multiple parameters for the whole IoT implementation, in order to provide the most optimal solution or QoS, not all parameters can be treated with equal importance. Bargaining based solutions try to maximize the QoS by trying to reach a point where the qualities of certain parameters are reduced, while the others are enhanced. This measure is undertaken so that the achieved QoS is collaboratively better for the full implementation rather than a select few devices enjoying very high QoS. Game theory is a common example of the bargaining based approach. This approach does not need to depend on historical data for decision making purposes.
  • Learning based approach:Unlike the bargaining based approaches, the learningbased approaches generally rely on past behavior and trends of data flow through the IoT architecture. The optimization of QoS parameters is pursued by learning from historical trends and trying to optimize previous solutions further and enhance the collective behavior of the IoT implementation. The memory requirements and processing requirements are high during the decision-making stages. The most common example of a learning-based approach is machine learning.

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