Explain the various steps involved in the critical and creative reading process.

Explain the various steps involved in the critical and creative reading process.


Critical Reading:

1. The reader should not assume that the reported results or arguments are correct.

2. Being suspicious and asking appropriate questions is a good practice when reading critically.

3. It is important to evaluate whether the authors have attempted to solve the right problem and if there are simpler solutions that have been overlooked.

4. The reader should identify any limitations (stated or ignored), missing links, or unreasonable assumptions in the solution.

5. It is necessary to assess if there is a logical flow to the paper or if there are any flaws in the reasoning.

6. The reader should determine if the presented data is appropriate to substantiate the arguments made and if the data was gathered and interpreted correctly.

7. Consideration should be given to whether a different dataset would have been more compelling.

8. A judgmental approach and the flexibility to discard previous erroneous judgments are crucial.

Creative Reading:

1. Creative reading is more challenging than critical reading and requires a positive approach.

2. The aim is to actively look for other applications, interesting generalizations, or extended work that the authors might have missed.

3. The reader should explore plausible modifications that may uncover important practical challenges.

4. It is essential to determine if the reader would like to start researching an extended part of this work and what should be the immediate next aspect to focus upon.

5. Creative reading involves looking for new ideas and opportunities for further exploration or development.

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