Explain the 6LoWPAN packet structure

Explain the 6LoWPAN packet structure


6LoWPAN Packet Structure

6LoWPAN Packet Structure

The packet structure contains the following fields:

  • Length, Version (VER), Traffic Class, and Payload Length
  • Flow Label: Used for packet flow identification.
  • Next Header: Indicates the next header type.
  • Source and Destination Addresses (128 bits each)
  • Hop Limit: Specifies the maximum number of hops for the packet.

Components of the 6LoWPAN Stack

1. PHY and MAC Layers:

  • PHY Layer: Comprises 27 wireless channels, each having a distinct frequency band and varying data rates.
  • MAC Layer: Defines the access methods for these channels. The MAC layer in 6LoWPAN supports:
    1. Beaconing tasks for device identification, including beacon generation and synchronization.
    2. Channel access control using CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance).
    3. PAN membership control for associating and dissociating devices within a Personal Area Network (PAN).

The packet structure at this layer includes:

  • IEEE 802.15.4 Header Fields:
    • Pan ID
    • Destination ID (64 bits)
    • Source ID (64 bits)
    • DSN (Data Sequence Number)

2. Adaptation Layer:

The adaptation layer compresses and retrofits IPv6 packets to the IEEE 802.15.4 packet format. This layer addresses the challenges posed by the differing packet sizes:

  • IPv6 requires a minimum packet size of 1280 octets.
  • IEEE 802.15.4 supports a maximum of 127 bytes (including headers).

This discrepancy is resolved using:

  • Header Compression: Reduces IPv6 headers to fit into the limited payload size.
  • Packet Fragmentation: Breaks large IPv6 packets into smaller fragments.
  • Packet Forwarding: Ensures proper routing of packets across constrained networks.

3. Address Format

The address format in 6LoWPAN comprises two parts:

  1. Short Address (16 bits):
    • PAN-specific and used for device identification within a local PAN.
    • Scope is restricted to the local network.
  2. Extended Address (64 bits):
    • Globally unique, allowing identification of devices beyond the local network.

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