Explain Random Forest Classifier.

6 a] Explain Random Forest Classifier.

The Random Forest Classifier is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that builds multiple decision trees and combines their predictions to produce a more accurate and stable prediction. It is a generalization of decision trees, enhanced through a process called bagging (bootstrap aggregating).

Here’s how the Random Forest algorithm works:


    • The algorithm creates multiple subsets of the training data by sampling with replacement, known as bootstrap sampling. Each subset typically contains 80% of the original data points (this can be adjusted).

    2.Building Trees:

      • For each bootstrap sample, a decision tree is built. At each node of the tree, the algorithm selects a random subset of features (say, 5 out of 100 features) to split the data on. This randomness helps reduce correlation among the trees and increases robustness.

      3.No Pruning:

        • Unlike traditional decision trees, trees in a random forest are typically not pruned. Each tree is allowed to grow as deep as it needs, allowing the model to incorporate noise and idiosyncratic patterns.


          • Once all trees are built, the predictions of each tree are combined. For classification tasks, the final prediction is based on a majority vote among the trees, and for regression tasks, the prediction is the average of all trees’ outputs.


          • N (Number of Trees): You specify the number of decision trees in the forest.
          • F (Number of Random Features): You specify the number of random features to be considered at each split in a tree.
          • Sample Size: Optionally, you can adjust the size of the bootstrap sample.

          Advantages of Random Forest:

          • Increased Accuracy: By averaging the predictions of many trees, Random Forest tends to have higher accuracy and better generalization than a single decision tree.
          • Robustness: It reduces the risk of overfitting, as the randomness introduced during feature selection and bootstrapping helps mitigate the sensitivity to noise in the data.


          • Loss of Interpretability: While a single decision tree is interpretable, a random forest with many trees is much harder to interpret, making it difficult to understand the decision-making process.

          CODE: (optional)

          # Author: Jared Lander
          # we will be using the diamonds data from ggplot
          # load and view the diamonds data
          # plot a histogram with a line marking $12,000
          ggplot(diamonds) + geom_histogram(aes(x=price)) +
          # build a TRUE/FALSE variable indicating if the price is above 
          our threshold
          diamonds$Expensive <- ifelse(diamonds$price >= 12000, 1, 0)
          # get rid of the price column
          diamonds$price <- NULL
          ## glmnet
          # build the predictor matrix, we are leaving out the last
          column which is our response
          x <- model.matrix(~., diamonds[, -ncol(diamonds)])
          # build the response vector
          y <- as.matrix(diamonds$Expensive)
          # run the glmnet
          system.time(modGlmnet <- glmnet(x=x, y=y, family="binomial"))
          # plot the coefficient path
          plot(modGlmnet, label=TRUE)
          # this illustrates that setting a seed allows you to recreate 
          random results, run them both a few times
          ## decision tree
          # fir a simple decision tree
          modTree <- rpart(Expensive ~ ., data=diamonds)
          # plot the splits
          ## bagging (or bootstrap aggregating)
          # function for bootstrapping the mean
          boot.mean <- function(x, i)
          # allows us to find the variability of the mean
          boot(data=diamonds$carat, statistic=boot.mean, R=120)
          ## boosting
          system.time(modglmBoost <- glmboost(as.factor(Expensive) ~ .,
           data=diamonds, family=Binomial(link="logit")))
          ## random forests
          system.time(modForest <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris,
           importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE))

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