4.b) Explain Apache Oozie with a neat diagram.
Apache Oozie:
Oozie is a workflow director system designed to run and manage multiple related Apache Hadoop jobs. For instance, complete data input and analysis may require several discrete Hadoop jobs to be run as a workflow in which the output of one job serves as the input for a successive job. Oozie is designed to construct and manage these workflows. Oozie is not a substitute for the YARN scheduler. That is, YARN manages resources for individual Hadoop jobs, and Oozie provides a way to connect and control Hadoop jobs on the cluster.
Oozie workflow jobs are represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of actions. (DAGs are basically graphs that cannot have directed loops.) Three types of Oozie jobs are permitted:
Workflow—a specified sequence of Hadoop jobs with outcome-based decision points and control dependency. Progress from one action to another cannot happen until the first action is complete.
Coordinator—a scheduled workflow job that can run at various time intervals or when data become available.
Bundle—a higher-level Oozie abstraction that will batch a set of coordinator jobs. Oozie is integrated with the rest of the Hadoop stack, supporting several types of Hadoop jobs out of the box (e.g., Java MapReduce, Streaming MapReduce, Pig, Hive, and Sqoop) as well as system-specific jobs (e.g., Java programs and shell scripts). Oozie also provides a CLI and a web UI for monitoring jobs.
Following figure depicts a simple Oozie workflow. In this case, Oozie runs a basic MapReduce operation. If the application was successful, the job ends; if an error occurred, the job is killed.