What is big data? Explain in detail 5 elements of bigdata

2.c) What is big data? Explain in detail 5 elements of bigdata.


BIG Data

BIG is a moving target – When the size of the data becomes a challenge, we refer to it as big. BIG is when you cannot fit all the data on one machine. BIG data is a cultural phenomenon. It is characterized by The Vs – Volume, Variety, Velocity, Value, Validity and Veracity.

Elements of Big Data
  • Volume – Data Measured in terms of petabytes and exabytes (1mn TB), made possible by reduction in cost of storage devices
  • Velocity – The fast arrival speed of data and increase in data volume. Powered by IoT and High Speed Internet
  • Variety – Form – Many forms of data – Text, graph, audio, video maps, composite (Video with audio). Function – Human Conversations, Transaction records, old archive data. Source of Data – Open/public data, social media data, multimodal data
  • Veracity – Aspect like conformity to the facts, truthfulness, believability, and confidence in data – Error sources – technical, typographical and human
  • Validity – Accuracy of the data for talking decisions or for any other goals
  • Value – the value of the information that is extracted from the data and its influence on the decisions that are taken based on it

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