9 b] Apply code for basic pie chart.
Pie Chart
The plt.pie(x, [explode], [labels], [autopct])
function creates a pie chart.
Important parameters:
- x: Specifies the slice sizes.
- explode (optional): Specifies the fraction of the radius offset for each slice. The explode-array must have the same length as the x-array.
- labels (optional): Specifies the labels for each slice.
- autopct (optional): Shows percentages inside the slices according to the specified format string. Example: ‘%1.1f%%’.
plt.pie([0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], explode=(0.1, 0, 0, 0), labels=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
Creating a Pie Chart for Water Usage
In this exercise, we will use a pie chart to visualize water usage. There has been a shortage of water in your locality in the past few weeks. To understand the reason behind it, generate a visual representation of water usage using pie charts.
The following are the steps to perform:
- Open the Exercise3.02.ipynb Jupyter Notebook from the Chapter03 folder to implement this exercise. Navigate to the path of this file and type in the following at the command line: jupyter-lab.
- Import the necessary modules and enable plotting within the Jupyter Notebook:
# Import statements import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline
3. Use pandas to read the data located in the Datasets subfolder:
# Load dataset data = pd.read_csv('../../Datasets/water_usage.csv')
- Use a pie chart to visualize water usage. Highlight one usage of your choice using the explode parameter. Show the percentages for each slice and add a title:
# Create figure plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=300) # Create pie plot plt.pie('Percentage', explode=(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0), labels='Usage', data=data, autopct='%.0f%%') # Add title plt.title('Water usage') # Show plot plt.show()