Advantages of Database Approach

Advantages of Database Approach


Advantages of Database Approach:

  1. Controlling Redundancy: Redundancy in data leads to wasted storage space and duplication of effort. Database normalization integrates views of different user groups during database design to save storage space and ensure consistency. Controlled redundancy may be used to improve query performance.
  2. Restricting Unauthorized Access: DBMS should provide a security and authorization subsystem to control access to data based on user permissions.
  3. Providing Persistent Storage for Program Objects: Object-oriented database systems allow complex runtime objects to be saved in secondary storage and retrieved at a later time.
  4. Providing Storage Structures and Search Techniques for Efficient Query Processing: DBMS maintains indexes to improve query execution time and uses buffering or caching to store parts of the database in main memory.
  5. Providing Backup and Recovery: The backup and recovery subsystem is responsible for restoring the database to a previous state in case of failures.
  6. Providing Multiple User Interfaces: DBMS should provide various user interfaces, including query languages, programming language interfaces, forms, and menu-driven interfaces.
  7. Representing Complex Relationships among Data: DBMS must represent and manage complex relationships among data to easily retrieve and update related data.
  8. Enforcing Integrity Constraints: DBMS enforces constraints on data to maintain data integrity, such as data type constraints, referential integrity, and uniqueness constraints.
  9. Permitting Inferencing and Actions Using Rules: In deductive database systems, declarative rules allow inferring new data. Active database systems allow automatic initiation of actions based on rules.
  10. Additional Implications of Using the Database Approach: The database approach allows enforcing standards, reducing application development time, flexibility in changing database structure, availability of up-to-date information, and economies of scale through data and application consolidation.

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