21CS644 (Data Science and Visualization) Solved Model Question Paper – 2 with Answers
1 a] What is data science? List and explain skill set required in a data science profile.
1 b] Explain Probability Distribution with example.
1 c] Describe the process of fitting a model to a dataset in detail.
2 a] Explain with neat diagram the current Landscape of data science process.
2 b] Explain population and sample with example.
2 c] What is big data? Explain in detail 5 elements of bigdata
3 a] What is Machine Learning? Explain the linear regression algorithm.
3 b] Explain K-means algorithm with example.
3 c] Describe philosophy of EDA in detail.
4 a] Explain the data science process with a neat diagram.
4 b] Explain KNN algorithm with example
4 c] Develop a R script for EDA.
5 a] Explain the fundamental differences between linear regression and logistic regression.
5 b] Explain selecting an algorithm in wrapper method.
5 c] Explain decision tree for chasing dragon problem.
6 a] Briefly explain alternating Least squares methods.
6 b] Explain different selecting criterion in feature selection.
6 c] Explain dimensionality problem with SVD in detail.
7 a] Define data visualization and explain its importance in data analysis.
7 b] Describe different types of plots in comparison plots.
7 c] Plot the following i) density plot ii) box plot iii) violin plot iv) bubble plot
8 a] Describe the process of data wrangling and its significance in data visualization.
8 b] Explain the variants of bar chart with example.
8 c] Explain different types of plots in relation plots.
9 a] Develop a code for labels, titles in matplotlib.
9 b] Apply code for basic pie chart.
10 a] Describe the process of creating a box plot in Matplotlib. with suitable programming example.
10 b] Apply code for scatter plot on animal statistics using matplotlib.
10 c] Develop a code for bar chart, pie chart in matplotlib.