21CS62 – Fullstack Development Solved Model Question Paper – 2 with Answers
Module 1
1.A] Explain the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern. How does Django implement this pattern?
1.B] Discuss the process of mapping URLs to views in Django with an example.
1.C] Describe loose coupling in the context of Django URLConfs. Why is it important?
2.A] What are wild card patterns in URLs? Provide an example of how they are used in Django.
2.B] Explain the evolution of Django and mention any two key features.
2.C] Discuss the concept of views in Django.
Module 2
3.A] Describe the basics of the Django template system. How is it different from other template systems?
3.B] Explain the process of configuring databases and defining models in Django.
3.C] What is schema evolution? Discuss how Django handles schema evolution.
4.A] Discuss template inheritance in Django with an example.
4.B] Explain the steps involved in inserting and updating data in Django models.
4.C] How can you add model string representations in Django? Why is it useful?
Module 3
5.A] What are the benefits of using Django admin interfaces?
5.B] Describe the process of creating and processing feedback forms in Django.
5.C] How can custom validation be implemented in Django forms? Provide an example.
6.A] Explain how to activate and use Django admin interfaces.
6.B] Discuss the importance of model forms in Django and how they differ from regular forms.
6.C] What are URLConf Tricks and why are they used?
Module 4
7.A] Explain the concept of Generic Views in Django and their benefits.
7.B] Describe how to generate non-HTML content like CSV and PDF using Django.
7.C] Discuss the role of cookies and sessions in Django for state persistence.
8.A] How does the Sitemap framework work in Django?
8.B] Describe the process of creating a syndication feed in Django.
8.C] Explain user authentication in Django. What are the key components involved?
Module 5
9.A] What is AJAX and how is it integrated with Django?
9.B] Explain the use of jQuery UI Autocomplete in a Django application.
9.C] Discuss the settings required for using JavaScript in Django.
10.A] Describe the role of XHTMLHttpRequest and Response in AJAX.
10.B] How can JSON be used with AJAX in Django applications? Provide an example.
10.C] Explain how iframes can be utilized in Django for content loading.