8. Write a python program to find the whether the given input is palindrome or not (for both
string and integer) using the concept of polymorphism and inheritance.
# find palendrom or not for both integer and string using polymorphism and inheritance class PaliStr: def __init__(self): self.isPali=False def cheakPali(self,myStr): if myStr==myStr[::-1] : self.isPali=True else: self.isPali=False return self.isPali class PaliInt(PaliStr): def __init__(self): self.isPali=False def cheakPali(self,val): temp=val rev=0 while temp!=0: dig=temp%10 rev=(rev*10)+dig temp=temp//10 if val==rev: self.isPali=True else: self.isPali=False return self.isPali st=input("Enter a string: ") stobj=PaliStr() if stobj.cheakPali(st): print("Given string is palindrom") else: print("not palindrom") val=int(input("Enter a string: ")) intobj=PaliInt() if intobj.cheakPali(val): print("Given integer is a palindrome") else: print("Not palindrome")