Category solved model papers

Unique Characteristics of Environmental Problems

Unique Characteristics of Environmental Problems Answer:- 1. Genetic Modification of Crops 2. Waste Production 3. Population Growth 4. Water Pollution 5. Overfishing 6. Deforestation 7. Urban Sprawl 8. Acid Rain…

Explain the variants of the CNN model.

8 a] Explain the variants of the CNN model. Multi-Channel Convolution: Stride Convolution: Zero Padding: Locally Connected Layers: Tiled Convolution: Backpropagation in Convolutional Layers: Bias Sharing:

Explain pooling with network representation.

7 b] Explain pooling with network representation. Pooling is a crucial operation in convolutional neural networks (CNNs), typically used after convolution and non-linear activation stages to reduce the spatial dimensions…

Explain the components of a CNN layer.

7 a] Explain the components of a CNN layer. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) layer consists of several key components that work together to process input data, usually images, and…

Explain the Adam algorithm in detail.

6.b) Explain the Adam algorithm in detail. Answer: The Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation) algorithm is an advanced optimization algorithm widely used for training deep learning models. It combines ideas from…

Discuss the working of backpropagation.

4 b] Discuss the working of backpropagation. Backpropagation is a key algorithm used to train artificial neural networks, enabling them to learn from data by adjusting the weights of the…

Explain briefly about the gradient descent algorithm.

4 A] Explain briefly about the gradient descent algorithm. Gradient Descent Algorithm Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to minimize the cost function in machine learning models, particularly for…