Category 21CS71

Explain Apache Oozie with a neat diagram.

4.b) Explain Apache Oozie with a neat diagram. Answer: Apache Oozie: Oozie is a workflow director system designed to run and manage multiple related Apache Hadoop jobs. For instance, complete…

Explain Apache Sqoop Import and Export methods.

4.a) Explain Apache Sqoop Import and Export methods. Answer: Apache Sqoop: Sqoop is a tool designed to transfer data between Hadoop and relational databases. Sqoop is used to -import data…

Write a short note on Apache Hive

3.c) Write a short note on Apache Hive. Answer: Apache Hive Apache Hive is a data warehousing tool built on top of the Hadoop framework. It provides an SQL-like query…

Berkeley Data Analytics Stack

2.c) How does Berkeley Data Analytics Stack help in analytics tasks? Answer: Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS): The importance of Big Data lies in the fact that what one does…

Big Data applications

2.b) Explain any two big data applications Answer: Note: Explain any two. Big Data Applications: Big Data in Marketing and Sales Big data Analytics in detection of marketing Fruads: Fraud…