Calculate the probability that an energy level at 0.2eV below the Fermi level is occupied at temperature 500K.
8.C] Calculate the probability that an energy level at 0.2eV below the Fermi level is occupied at temperature 500K. Answer:
8.C] Calculate the probability that an energy level at 0.2eV below the Fermi level is occupied at temperature 500K. Answer:
4.C] The speed of electron is measured to within an uncertainty of 2 × 104 ms−1 in one dimension. What is the minimum width required by the electron to be confined in…
6.C] The ratio of the population of two energy levels out of which the upper one corresponds to a metastable state is 1.059x 10-30. Find the wavelength of light emitted…
9. a) Define nano-material and classify the nano-materials based on the dimensional constraints. Answer: Nano-materials: Nano-materials can be defined as materials possessing, at minimum, one external dimension measuring 1-100nm. Classification…
2. b) Enumerate the properties and applications of shock waves. Answer: Properties of shock waves: Shock waves travel in a medium with mach (M)>1. Shock waves obey the laws of…
2. a) Applying Hooke’s law arrive at the equations for the effective spring constants of Series and Parallel combinations of springs. Answer: Combination of springs in series: Combination of springs…
1.b) Illustrate the generation of shock waves using the Reddy shock tube. Answer: Reddy’s shock tube Generation of shock waves using the Reddy shock tube: A device used to produce…
1.A) Discuss the theory of forced oscillations and hence classify the conditions of variation of amplitude and phase with angular frequency. Answer: Expression for Amplitude and Phase in Forced Oscillations:…
On this website, you will find all subjects solved model question paper with answers and VTU 1st Year 21PHY12 Engineering Physics Solved Model Question paper with answers. Engineering Physics Solved…
2. c) The distance between two pressure sensors in a shock tube is 200 mm. The time taken by a shock wave to travel this distance is 0.4ms. If the…