With a neat sketch explain the principle and working of TIG welding. List its applications

4.B] With a neat sketch explain the principle and working of TIG welding. List its applications


TIG Welding
Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) or Gas Tungsten Arc (GTA) welding is the arc welding process in which arc is generated between non consumable tungsten electrode and work piece. The tungsten electrode and the weld pool are shielded by an inert gas normally argon and helium. Figure shows the principle of tungsten inert gas welding process.

The tungsten arc process is being employed widely for the precision joining of critical components which require controlled heat input. The small intense heat source provided by the tungsten arc is ideally suited to the controlled melting of the material.

TIG Welding

Since the electrode is not consumed during the process, as with the MIG or MMA welding processes, welding without filler material can be done without the need for continual compromise between the heat input from the arc and the melting of the filler metal.

As the filler metal, when required, can be added directly to the weld pool from a separate wire feed system or manually, all aspects of the process can be precisely and independently controlled i.e. the degree of melting of the parent metal is determined by the welding current with respect to the welding speed, whilst the degree of weld bead reinforcement is determined by the rate at which the filler wire is added to the weld pool.

Applications of TIG welding:-

  • Widely used for thick plates.
  • Used for joining similar materials.
  • Welding Process is faster.

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