

21CS642 Solved Model Question Paper-2

21CS642 Advance Java Programming Solved Model Question Paper-2 with Answer Module 1 1.A] What is Autoboxing? Write a Java program that demonstrates how autoboxing and unboxing take place in expression evaluation 1.B] What are Annotations? Explain the following built-in annotations…

Write a note on Transaction processing and Savepoint

10.B] Write a note on:i) Transaction processingii) Savepoint Transaction processing Method Description void setAutoCommit(boolean status) It is true bydefault means each transaction is committed bydefault. void commit() commits the transaction. void rollback() cancels the transaction. Savepoints The Connection object has…

Write a program on Generic Constructor.

4.A] Write a program on Generic Constructor. Answer: Generic Constructor in Java: A generic constructor in Java is a constructor that has one or more type parameters. These type parameters are independent of the generic parameters of the class and…